Tag Archives: Transport

Top Kakadu Accommodation Choice: Cooinda Lodge

Cooinda Lodge Review

  Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory is Australia’s largest national park at over 20,000sqkm. If you’re not really sure what these means in real terms, then let me put it to you bluntly. IT’S HUGE, like the size of a small country, huge! In order to do this UNESCO World Heritage site justice […]

URGH! Can You Guess the 30 Filthiest Attractions on the Planet?

Urgh! Can You Guess the 30 Filthiest Attractions on the Planet {Big World Small Pockets}

  This article was written in collaboration with Helping AU and contains affiliate links meaning Big World Small Pockets may receive a small commission on any purchases at no extra cost to you. One of the most frequent comments I get asked about being a long-term traveller is how do I put up with the […]

20 Hardest Things about Backpacking Australia

Hardest Things About Being a Backpacker

  Backpacking Australia is often sold as an easy life. I mean, endless beach days, rocking nights in the city and in between maybe a spot of surfing, sky diving or stand up paddle boarding, what can be so hard? But I know life is never that simple and even being a backpacker Down Under […]

12 Incredible Travel Quotes to Inspire Your Solo Adventure

12 Incredible Travel Quotes

  Readings travel quotes is one of my favourite hobbies. A secret little habit that takes hold of me now and again, spurring me on to see more and more of this beautiful world. I may now be part of a travelling duo, but that doesn’t mean I’ve turned my back on solo travel. I […]

10 Awesome and Easy Ways to Meet People When Travelling

10 Awesome and Easy Ways to Meet People When Travelling

  Half the fun of travelling isn’t just seeing new places, it’s encountering new faces too. I remember countless times when a visit to a particular town or city wasn’t made amazing by the things I saw or did, but actually by the people I hung out with there. As such, meeting new people is […]

9 Awesome Places to Spot the Australian Animals You’d Love to See in the Wild

Spot those Classic Australian Animals feature

  As Bill Bryson states in his fantastic book , ‘80% of all that lives in Australia, plant and animal, exists nowhere else.’ 80% is a fairly staggering percentage of uniqueness by anyone’s standards, so perhaps it goes some way to explaining why so many of us, myself included, are so intent on spotting (and […]

Why You Should Never Backpack With More Than 13kg

With No More Than 13kg feature

  We’ve all see them, backpackers laden down with so many heavy-looking bags you can barely make out the person underneath them all. And what you do see of them looks hot, sweaty and uncomfortable. Yes, you’ve guessed it, I’m talking about the backpacker who brought way too much with them … like the ‘kitchen […]

The Best Travel Insurance Advice for Long Term Travellers

Travel Insurance for Long Term Travellers

  It’s yet again that time when I need to try and extend my travel insurance. And it’s yet again a time when this proves rather more difficult and frustrating than I had hoped! Everyone’s circumstances are different when it comes to travel insurance and mine in particular, always seem to present a number of […]

Are These Some of the Best Australia Beaches?

Bowen has Some of the Best Beaches in Australia

It may surprise you to know, but some of the best Australia beaches we’ve seen so far on our road trip around this country have been in the relatively small, relatively uneventful and relatively unknown town of … Bowen. I know right?! Often given a bad rap, we were totally unprepared, and thus totally bowled […]

10 Crucial Things to Pack for Australia that Won’t Fit in Your Suitcase!

13 Crucial Things to Pack for Australia

  It’s been almost 3 years since I first boarded a plane bound for Down Under with little more than a 35l backpack strapped to me! I’m not sure that I anything I now own was part of the original contents I crammed into that bag, but I fear probably not! Toiletries have been used […]