Tag Archives: Transport

6 Best Things to Do: Fraser Island

The 6 Best Things to Do: Fraser Island

  Fraser Island is the world’s largest sand island and lies off the coast of Queensland in north-eastern Australia. Originally formed by oceanic and great wind currents that brought vast quantities of sand up the coast from as far south as Antarctica, this huge sandy mound is now home to a diverse array of natural wildlife […]

5 Backpacking Essentials That Will Save You Money

Backpacking Essentials That Will Save you Money

  A key part I’ve found in actually being a successful budget backpacker is a little organisation. I know, call me totally crazy, but getting a bit prepared with the right stuff, in terms of some backpacking essentials, before you set off on your adventures can actually save you a bit of cash on the […]

3 Best Headlamps for Backpacking

3 Best Headlamps for Backpacking

A good headlamp is quite simply one of the key essentials you need to purchase and pack when embarking on any travels. Incredibly useful as a reading light, for seeing during power cuts, when camping or for safety purposes, a good headlamp is as versatile and handy as it is hands-free and practical. Granted, fashion […]

10 Best Apps for City Tourists

10 Best Apps for City Tourists

  Having been a latecomer to the smartphone world (I reluctantly swapped my beautiful brick of an old phone for one less than a year ago!) I’m now a fully-fledged lover and devotee of the smartphone revolution. Never is this more apparent than when I’m on the road; it is as a traveller that wonderful […]

Travel Bloggers Reveal: Best Trips 2015 & Top Destinations 2016

Travel Bloggers Reveal

  As we approach the end of another year, I’ve asked 32 travel bloggers to share their trip highlights from 2015 and give to us a glimpse into their most anticipated top destinations 2016. And now the results are in. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Southern Asian countries ranked very high on the 2015 highlight list with Cambodia, […]

5 Best Beaches on the Sunshine Coast Australia

5 Best Beaches on the Sunshine Coast Australia feature

  There are plenty of coastal hotspots to choose from in this Land Down Under, but personally I really think the Sunshine Coast of Australia is hard to beat. Maybe I’m a bit biased, having been stationed here for a while now, but honestly the crystal clear water, the colour of the sand, the nearby […]

How to Choose the Best Womens Hiking Boots

How to Choose the Best Womens Hiking Boots

  Let’s be honest ladies, hiking boots are never going to be fashion item number 1! They are, however, always going to be incredibly useful, especially when travelling the globe. From Nepal to New Zealand, Namibia to Norway, womens hiking boots are a good, practical choice of footwear in all sorts of situations. So, if […]

9 Key Things to Consider When Planning an Australian Road Trip

Planning an Australian Road trip

  Along with seeing Uluru and exploring Sydney Harbour, taking an Australian road trip is one of the bucket list essentials when visiting this country. And that’s probably because as vast, diverse, wild and beautiful as it is, the Australian landscape lends itself to a driving adventure. So I’m very glad to confirm that I’m […]