Tag Archives: Stories

Everything in Australia is Trying to Kill You

Everything in Australia is Trying to Kill You

  It is a truth universally acknowledged, that every single animal in Australia in possession of a good self-defence mechanism must want to end your life. In other words, everything in Australia is trying to kill you! From the spiders to the sharks, the snakes to the stingers, the crocs to the cassowaries, almost any living creature […]

Catching the Couch Waves: Why I’m Glad I Couchsurfed

Why I'm Glad I Couchsurfed

  Why I’m Glad I Couchsurfed Whilst most people head to Noosa, on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast to ride the brilliant waves, I headed there straight from Fraser Island to try out a slightly different type of surfing, that of the couch variety and I’m so glad I did. With my budget backpacker ear permanently fixed […]

6 Reasons Why Spending Money on Travel Makes you Richer

Spending Money on Travel

  I’m a firm believer that spending money on travel makes you richer in all sorts of ways. We’ve all met people who say, “I wish I could go travelling, but I don’t have enough money,” and we all get bored of hearing it too! So, in honour of those folk, I’ve prepared some handy […]

Fraser Island Camping Adventure

Adventure on Fraser Island

  “Emu valley? Why it’s just up the road,” says the man in a classic, slow drawl. “Just keep going and you can’t miss it,” he continues, arm pointing towards the horizon, a wry smile on his face. “Excellent. Just up the road? It can’t be far then”, we thank the smiling local. Little did […]