Category Archives: Africa

The Complete Guide to Visiting Axum in Ethiopia

The Complete Guide to Visiting Axum, Ethiopia

It’s supposedly home to the Queen of Sheba and the Ark of the Covenant (which holds Moses’ 10 commandments) and it definitely was the centre of an ancient civilisation on a level with Rome, Greece and Egypt! So why hasn’t anyone heard of the mighty city of Axum? Because it’s in Ethiopia, that’s why! Yes […]

Why a Serengeti Safari Will Blow Your Mind!

Why a Trip to the Serengeti Will Blow Your Mind!

Whichever way you look at it, Serengeti is one of the greats! When many of us dream of an African Safari adventure, it’s the Serengeti our minds turn to – exotic images of roaming giant mammals striding through the Savannah grass under a big African sky filling our visual imagination. And you know what? It’s […]

Why Hells Gate National Park Provides A Totally Unique Safari

Hells Gate National Park

I loved Hells Gate National Park in Kenya for the simple reason that it provided me with a very different sort of safari experience. And it can for you too! Yes if like me, you want to get a bit closer to the amazing African wildlife than the opportunity sitting in a 4wd often provides […]

An Oasis in the Sudan Desert: Meroe Camp & Nubian Rest House

Meroe Camp and Nubian Rest House

  When most people think of Sudan they certainly do not picture unique, luxury resorts in the desert. More often than not, it’s fearful and negative images they conjure up instead – concerns about safety, security and cleanliness above all. Sitting under a blanket of stars, safe and warm, deep in the desert as the […]

Overview Travel Guide to the Kenya Coast

The Quick Guide to the Kenya Coast

I guess when most people think of Kenya they think of a trip that involves sensational safaris and some crazy African cities. At least I know I did. But away from the wildlife spotting opps (which are sensational btw) and those crazy cities (Nairobi I’m looking at you!) Kenya also boasts a stunning coastline. With […]