Category Archives: Destinations

21 Great Things to Do in Mission Beach

Things to do in Mission Beach

  The small town of Mission Beach lies almost at the top of a 14km stretch of stunning tropical coastline in north Queensland. Split into 4 main villages – this strip of paradise offers as much perfect, beachside relaxation as it does adrenaline-raising activity and adventure. As a predominantly winter destination, Mission Beach is normally […]

Rambutan: Best Budget Accommodation in Townsville

Rambutan Backpackers Australia

  Stepping into the reception at Rambutan for the first time was like stepping into a dream! We’d just come out of 5 weeks in the bush – free camping, 4wd driving and not much showering – and suddenly here we were in what felt like a posh 5-star resort! What on earth had happened?! […]

9 Awesome Places to Spot the Australian Animals You’d Love to See in the Wild

Spot those Classic Australian Animals feature

  As Bill Bryson states in his fantastic book , ‘80% of all that lives in Australia, plant and animal, exists nowhere else.’ 80% is a fairly staggering percentage of uniqueness by anyone’s standards, so perhaps it goes some way to explaining why so many of us, myself included, are so intent on spotting (and […]

15 Best UK Beach Campsites

15 Best UK Beach Campsites

  Like any good budget traveller, I’m a huge fan of camping and almost always carry a tent with me, no matter where in the world I’m off exploring. Now however, it’s time to turn my attention to my beautiful homeland of Great Britain! With summer in full swing, this is the perfect time to […]

Ultimate Budget Travel Guide to Magnetic Island

Magnetic Island Guide

The idyllic Magnetic Island, situated off the coast of Townsville in Queensland, Australia is a paradise. It’s a popular tourist hot spot and a welcome place for all travellers, budget ones included, to enjoy a slice of tropical island life. At 52sqkm and with only 2000 residents, Magnetic Island is the perfect, relaxed getaway; with […]

Why Australia is the Perfect Country For Travelling Alone

Why Australia is the Perfect Country For Solo Travel

  I’ve been there and I know; travelling alone, especially for the first time, can be a nerve-wracking experience. I was 23 when I first went travelling alone to New Zealand and trust me, the fears that I felt then are the same as the ones I still feel before every solo trip … even […]

10 Awesome FREE Things To Do In New Zealand: North Island

Free Things to Do in New Zealand

  New Zealand is an expensive country to travel. Luckily, it’s full of natural beauty in both the South and North Islands making it possible to get some amazing experiences for no cost at all. If you’re planning to check out the North Island, bookmark this list as these 10 free things to do in […]

10 Amazing FREE Things to Do in Townsville

10 Amazing FREE Things to do in Townsville

  Poor Old Townsville! Sadly this large city in the north of Queensland is not endowed with the best reputation. Known more as a slightly down heel urban sprawl than an exotic tourist destination, it was not with high expectations that we entered Townsville as part of our great budget 4wd around Australia. Yet, how […]

25 Unforgettable Things to do in Costa Rica on a Budget

25 Unforgettable Things to do in Costa Rica on a Budget

  Slap bang in the middle of Central America is a small country that packs a big punch! Although it’s one of the more expensive countries in this continent, Costa Rica still boasts an array of budget-friendly adventures sure to delight and amaze travellers. I’ve visited this beautiful little paradise several times and, on every […]