Tag Archives: Climate

Best Time to Visit Madeira

Best Time to Visit Madeira

When is the best time to visit Madeira? Read on to learn exactly when to visit for an unforgettable trip.. A Portuguese island, politically part of Europe, Madeira is actually situated off the west coast of Northern Africa and therefore has a climate that much more closely resembles this subtropical part of the world. Through […]

Best Time to Visit Bangkok, Thailand

Best Time to Visit Bangkok, Thailand

Well well well, so you’re heading off to explore Southeast Asia are you and wondering what the best time to visit Bangkok is? Good for you! It is, after all, one of those classic destinations, everyone should experience at least once in their lives. A veritable mecca for backpackers, culture vultures, temple traipses and food […]

The Best Time to Visit Buenos Aires

The Best Time to Visit Buenos Aires

It’s been said a few times before (and quite a lot on this blog!) but Argentina is absolutely one of the most diverse countries in the world. Now that’s mostly down to the huge size of this country, as well as its geographical location, and means it spans quite a few different climate zones and […]

The Best Time to Visit Peru

The Best Time to Visit Peru

It’s the question on everyone’s lips isn’t it? At least it’s the question on the lips of those who want to travel to Peru! Because for those, like me, who want to adventure in this amazing South American country, the question “when the best time to visit Peru?” is not easily answered! Before I started […]

Best Time to Visit Kruger & Cape Town

The Best Time to Visit Kruger & Cape Town in South Africa

Want to visit South Africa’s main 2 destinations? Then here’s the best time to visit Kruger National Park and Cape Town. What a wild and wonderful country South Africa is – not only does it boast the epic city of Cape Town within its boundaries, but also the mighty safari destination of Kruger too. In […]

Best Time to Visit Mozambique + 10 Other Top Travel Tips

The Best Time to Visit Mozambique

Fringed by the Indian Ocean on one side, sandwiched by Southern Africa on the other, Mozambique is a mango-drenched, coconut-infused, sun-ripened cocktail all unto its own. As women stroll past with huge baskets on their heads laden with goods or babies strapped to their backs in wraps of beautiful bright colours, or men play football […]