Category Archives: Budget Travel Ideas

Relaxed, Simple & Fresh, Geraldton’s Ocean West Has It All

Ocean West Geraldton

  I have to say that when we arrived into the town of Geraldton, about 400km north of Perth, were we a little fed up. We’d just encountered about 5 days of incredibly high winds on our journey south along West Australia’s coastline, which when you’re (trying) to sleep in a tent on top of […]

Wintersun Caravan and Tourist Park: The Perfect Home Away from Home

Wintersun Caravan and Tourist Park

  From the moment we stepped into Wintersun Caravan and Tourist Park, we instantly let go a sigh of relief! Having just been battered by wind for 5 days in Cape Range National Park and Coral Bay, we were delighted to finally find somewhere we could put up our tent, safe in the knowledge it […]

Finding the Best Backpacking Sleeping Bag: 6 Great Contenders

Finding the Best Backpacking Sleeping Bag

  A great backpacking sleeping bag is something I never leave home without when I’m packing for my travels. From the obvious uses of sleeping with it in my tent, to keeping me cosy on bus rides, to the slightly less conventional use of it as a pillow or even a jumper when it gets […]

12 Best FREE Things to Do in the Atherton Tablelands

12 Best Free Things to do in the Atherton Tablelands

  Australia’s fabulous Atherton Tablelands lie in the beautiful rolling hills behind Cairns and are definitely one of the best destinations to visit in North Queensland. Full of great hikes, exciting bike tracks, stunning waterfalls, rainforest drives, magnificent lakes and fascinating heritage, there’s a whole of heap of budget-friendly things to enjoy in this part […]

How to See the Best of the Galapagos on a Budget

Ecuador, Galapagos, Iguana

  The Galapagos Islands aren’t typically a place that you’d associate with budget travel, but the great news is that it’s definitely possible to take a trip there without breaking the bank. Yes, these islands are more expensive than other destinations in South America, but there are plenty of ways to explore the Galapagos on […]

Loving Life at the Lake: Discovering the BEST of the Kununurra Caravan Parks

Discovery Parks Lake Kununurra

  Arriving at Discovery Parks – Lake Kununurra felt a little bit like we’d stepped into a dream. We hadn’t expected much from the town of Kununurra in Western Australia, thinking it would be little more than the usual Outback pit stop affair. Yet here we were, stood on the end of a gorgeous blue […]

Nature’s Way on a Budget: Ideal Itinerary For Discovering Australia’s Top End

Top End Road Trip

  I’ll let you in on a little secret, Australia’s Nature’s Way is one of this country’s most epic, cinematic and stunning road trips there is … and that’s saying something! From the towering gorges of Nitmiluk National Park, to the waterfalls of Litchfield National Park and the giant splendour of Kakadu, this great drive […]

Tired of Expensive Airport Car Parking Bills? 5 Great Tips to Help Lower the Costs

Airport, Departure Boards, Gate Closed

  There’s few things worse in my opinion as a budget traveller, than those hidden fees that sneak their way into your holiday costs. You know, the ones you hadn’t budgeted for that mean you end up spending way more than you planned. What’s even more annoying is when these expenses aren’t even really part […]

12 Easy Ways To Save Money When Travelling the US

Easy Ways to Save Money When Visiting in the US

  We are Phil and Kelsey Schaub, together with our 2 cats (Pedro and Paxton) we travel the US as travelling Physical Therapists. By the time this year is finished, we will have been travelling for 18 months and have driven almost 20,000 miles around the country. Because of all that travelling, we have developed […]

17 Incredible Budget Travel Destinations Still On My List (That Should Be On Yours Too!)

17 Countries Still on My List

The problem with travel is that sometimes it can make the world seem like a very big place. No matter how much of it you explore, there always seems to be more of it to see. Yes, it’s a cruel irony that the more you travel, the more places you realise you’d like to travel […]